Sunday, October 28, 2007

october 28, 2007

rode with mike yesterday. got out in the late morning into early afternoon. very windy and a little on the chilly side when the sun was behind the clouds. no having leg warmers was felt yesterday but it didnt hold me back. after meeting up we went up hollow and headed out west. while riding into the wind we were only going 15mph! and with the wind at our backs it was 25mph! big difference a 20 mph wind gust can make. did some hard peddling in the last 3 or 4 miles. my hamstring felt ok but didnt want to mess with it. im glad i got out. felt like a month or two since my last ride. hopefully this turns me around. ride;


Thursday, October 25, 2007

october 25, 2007

have been lazy lately. eating WAY too much which has ended up with me putting on some weight. that, having a slightly sore hamstring, and feeling like i work every day has equated to me not riding at all. want to get out in the next few days but it is supposed to rain. best bet for me would be to head to the Y to get in some weights or do the stairmaster. think once i start a routine there it will be easy to continue. maybe ill head over in the morning.

Monday, October 22, 2007

october 22, 2007

had to ride home from dropping off the truck.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

october 21, 2007

great day outside today. i would not be a cyclist if i let this day go by without getting on the bike. 70 degrees, 46% humidity, and not a cloud in the sky. wanted to get in a good hard effort but didnt have a lot of time. terry and i are going to try and split as much wood as we can. went out and basically did a lite tt like effort. but halfway through hit a pot hole and my water bottle popped out then rolled down into a sewer! who does that happen to?! so the rest of the ride was waterless. put in a good effort though and did some short sprints at the end.

feel good. this week is going to be a turn around. have to get focused and be disciplined. ride;


Thursday, October 18, 2007

october 18, 2007

went out for a good ride after work. felt like i could have ridden a little harder had i warmed up correctly. after about 10 minutes had a flat which helped me cool down and warm up again. this was only the second flat ive had on the scott all year. anyway. went up long hill which felt pretty good. then did a fast loop around my short tt route. ride;


*add 2.6 for ride into work.

total ride miles-27

Sunday, October 14, 2007

october 14, 2007

covered bridges ride was today. 63 miles around bucks county, pa. man this was a great ride. woke up before the sun rose and headed to mikes to meet up with him and ed. had about an hour drive there to drink some coffee and have a lite breakfast in the car; banana and a organic cereal and yogurt bar.

ride started very nicely. we spun slowly while the road climbed a little bit. but that was a sign of what was instore! 4000 overall feet of climbing! more than i have done ever. like going up zion 8 times in one day. this was a ride i definitely felt in the legs. thankfully the rest stops were great and allowed me a chance to relax off the bike and get some needed carbs.

although we only stopped at the mid way rest stop it was all we needed. not like the normal energy bars and gatorade these stops had great stuff. boiled red potatoes with salt and butter, home made cookies in all varieties, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bananas, and other things as well. after having some potatoes half a pbj sandwich and an awesome peanut butter cookie i just sat in the middle of the field of the rest stop. since the ride was on the colder side it felt so nice just to sit there in the sun. did that for about 10 minutes until we were ready to ride.

the last half of the ride didnt have as much of the severe climbing as the first but it still had its share of hills. after hitting a flat with about 20 miles to go another rider zipped past me which suprised me. even though there were alot of good riders on the ride i hadnt seen someone with that 'next level' of riding. this guy hit a hill though and it allowed me to catch up. we played catch to each other back and forth and then finally i just sat in on his wheel and let him know i was there. too bad mike and ed werent along for the last 20 miles cause we went crazy! introduced ourselves and then we hammered. passed a bunch of riders and just were really aggressive. im glad todd and i rode together since i wouldnt have pushed myself as hard if we handt.

one of my favorite moments of the ride came with about 10 miles left. todd and i were making our run and then a biker gang of about 20 guys came into the road. since the roads were narrow and had alot of turns it didnt allow them to pass us right away. we ended up riding within the bike gang line for about 5-10 minutes! we could hear their radios and they just hung out with us. it was odd but nice to see how everyone on this ride, even the motorists, had patients towards each other. felt nice.

after the ride was over, which seemed to come up rather quickly. i hung out in the parking lot/park for a while waiting for mike and ed. while i waited a crc member recognized my jersey and we chatted. mike and ed rolled up and we just relaxed for a while before getting our finish line meal. we just all took turns laying down on our backs with our legs and arms sprawled out warming up in the sun. felt soooooo nice. we went over and picked up our lunch. kielbasi with sauerkraut, relish, peppers and mustard, cole claw, baked beans, pickled hot peppers, and carrots. then desert of cookies and peppermint patties. mike bought some beer and we all just sat in the field and had our lunch.

this was just an awesome ride. the food, the other riders, the course, everything. was a nice way to start the fall. ride;


*im guessing this based off of mikes time.

check out this ride profile off of the central bucks bike club. it shows the evelvations...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

october 10, 2007

was going to stay at work longer today to pick up some hours. decided it was so nice out and i hadnt ridden in a while that i would leave and ride. headed towards the crc summer course. figured i would do a loop then head home for around 20 miles. on the way one of the club members was leaving their house and eventually we hooked up after coming to a closed road. he is one of the higher riders in the club. wins tt's now and then and i know he is in the higher group during the rr's. talked cycling and did a fast paced ride. definitely glad i ran into him. know riding with him made me push myself harder. ride;


Sunday, October 07, 2007

october 7, 2007

went for a good ride today. had plans to go up towards liberty corner taking a new route. after about an hour though i forgot the route number i needed to take. ended up heading to round valley but found a great climb route that never knew existed. actually ended up climbing over 600 feet for the first time. pretty neat :) went around the reservoir then chose to go to route 22 instead of turning back right away. ended up just riding down 22 for a while then turning off onto route 523. 523 was the road i originally wanted to take. would have been a very challenging ride which now is a goal for me to do this year.

headed back down dreahook and spun really hard. i was somewhat surprised how hard i went on the way home. maybe my rides to work this week are making a difference. been tt'ing to work and back each day and throwing in sprints as well.

but todays ride was nice. did a nice amount of miles and was out for just over 2 hours. ride;


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

october 2, 2007

went out in the morning before work. did a nice little ride that had a small climb section. hollow rd is a good choice when i want to climb but have put out a hard effort recently. ride took around an hour. felt good to get out in the morning. just hard for me sometimes. ride;
