Friday, March 30, 2007

march 30, 2007

got in a really good ride today. went out with mike from the club and did a nice loop out to hopewell which i had never ridden to before. got into some nice roads and had a good pace. we climbed a bit much but it was good. having a riding partner is great for pushing you further than what you would have pushed yourself. also got the kona cleaned up today and thankfully most of the rust on it washed off and was not too bad. originally my plan was to clean off at least two bikes. soon enough, maybe tonight. good news is, today it felt like i was getting some form back. climbs were tough in the beginning but straights felt faster and my strength held up enough to do a sprint at the end of the ride. also, my numbers are over what they were this time last year. good shit :) todays ride;


fastest i have ever gone on a bike by far. holy fuck was it crazy going down that hill!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

marchs 24, 2007

so as i sit here, eating an entire bag of snyders cheese puffs (multi grain of course) i think im a little over weight. my diet has gone to shit basically except for breakfast and lunch. late day and night i just seem to want to eat eat eat! and my visits to the gym arent happening as often. nor are my rides. it just feels as though im may be losing my edge to stay in shape and healthy. picked up new pedals for the scott yesterday and hopefully they get me to go out and start banging out miles. 186 is my goal before april is over. but the snow has melted and the temps are only getting warmer so im still the slightest bit optimistic.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

march 17, 2007

so far this year has been slow. overeating, sitting around, being sick, and crazy weather have all given me the excuse to not work harder to be in better shape. wednesday(the 14th) the weather was clear and in the high70'sand i got out for 27 miles. yesterday we received 4-5 inches of ice/snow. crazy weather. riding to work has helped keep me somewhat in better shape considering all the eating i do. but i still feel like this was another off season i didnt do well in.

i have to wait for the snow to melt now to start up riding again. so far im at 64 miles this year.

Friday, March 09, 2007

march 9, 2007

i think im officially lazy.