Friday, April 27, 2007

april 27, 2007

signed up for the princeton tour de cure to benefit diabetes. its a 62.3 mile ride which takes place on june 16th. go here to give me money...

Monday, April 23, 2007

april 22, 2007

went out yesterday before i had to work. rode home from somerville then got some things together and headed out. in total rode 40 or so miles. i need to mess around with the position of my seat. numbness keeps happening and that wont make distance riding comfortable. most likely my seat needs to be moved slightly forward. maybe on wednesday. its supposed to rain so i can make the adjustments and ride on the trainer for a little while to get a feel. nothing beats being on the road itself though to see if it really feels better.

total miles so far this year-277.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

april 20, 2007

got out for a nice 25 or so mile ride yesterday. felt nice to finally have a day when shorts and a jersey would not lead to frost bite. apparently the weather has finally turned! went out to the park and swung back down towards montgomery then through county roads back to hillsborough. new tires still feel very nice and they helped considering there was a head wind no matter what way i turned. coming back on east mountain rd my strength showed when keeping a 20mph average going on a slight incline with that head wind. warm weather = happy cyclist. ride;


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

april 18, 2007

some time last week i took a nice 40 or so mile ride. went out to round valley and came back. stopped at starbucks along the way home and then made my way back. it felt good to get out but i know my legs are in need of some distance riding if i want to ride in a century this summer. the new tires felt smooth and my pedals are still one of the best purchases ive mase recently.

entirely non bike related i purchased new goalie equipment. after selling my blocker and glove since "retiring" i decided to string em' back up. i have a drive to play again and better to do it now and decide i really am not able to play at the level im happy with than not do it at all and regret it later in my life. hopefully friday open hockey will be my starting return date.

let the spring begin!

Monday, April 09, 2007

april 9, 2007

forgot something, i got new tires. grand prix 4000!

and i just pulled a deal with an ebay seller for 10 tubes at a total cost of $40 including s&h! exciting!

april 9, 2007

its back to being cold again and it sucks! no riding has been taking place. the weather and a new medication im trying out have me tired all the time. still going back and forth to work but even the short 3 miles is agonizing at times. needless to say this medication is being phased out. hopefully in a week or so the temperature will warm up so i get some miles in. it felt as though my pace was right until this med got introduced. oh well. 2 weeks out of a year to see if i can not have any seizures is ok. one more week and we'll see how i feel.