Thursday, June 22, 2006

june 22, 2006

today was the day i went from just riding my bike to racing it. eric asked found a riding club that races every thursday and asked me to join up. figuring it would be a good time we went. the night before they held a time trial to place people in groups according to their ability. we werent there last night so we were placed in the lowest level group which started first. each group after that started 6 minutes later making the last group go around 21 minutes after we started. sadly eric had to drop out due to his chain popping off but from the fortune of being classed in the lowest group i ended up winning the race! the true feeling of winning isnt really with me though due to the handicap but hey, i will take it! in addition to now being bumped up to a higher ranked group, i was awarded a medal, and also won a sweet team jersey!

not to split hairs about my time, average speed and all that stuff. but i had plenty of things that made my time slower that it should have been. not being told about 2 turns and having to stop to turn around, stopping to give another rider a spare tube, and allowing my group to catch up to me on numerous accounts. i feel my time could have been better by almost 10 minutes had these events not happened. but all in all i am VERY satisfied and enjoyed it a lot. got to meat new cyclists, learned how to ride in a pace line, and just having a great exercise. today;



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